Tag: Eric Mrozek

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

More Channels!

Crossposted to ericmrozek.com

Hi everyone,

It’s a brand new year, so it’s time to announce that we will be expanding our efforts on Youtube and elsewhere both as an extension of what we are already doing and as a way to deal with the continuing troubles of COVID-19. The two channels will be named Free Eagle Studios, LLC and Eric Mrozek, but they’ll focus on different aspects of our work.

Our company channel will primarily focus on our services, writing diaries, and Youtube ads for our upcoming books, so be sure to follow that one if you’re interested in the publishing side of our efforts.

On the other hand, Eric Mrozek will heavily supplement or outright replace our writing work on ericmrozek.com with video essays about movies and television. You’ll still see them posted over there, but you can also subscribe to our other pages if you’d rather watch.

Save That Play will also be going strong into the new year, but we want to make sure that you’ll always have something to look at, even if it’s not related to gaming.

We’ll almost certainly start posting videos on both of our new channels this month, so keep on the look out!

Until next time!

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Announcing Revolution!

Revolution - Helisah Almari
Welcome to the next phase of our plans…

Crossposted to ericmrozek.com.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC is proud to announce the development of Revolution, the final novel in the War of the Democratic Coalition series. Set in the world of Maereath, Revolution chronicles the closing days of the war that began in Destruction and Illumination, leading up to a cataclysmic final battle that will determine the fate of our characters and the world at large.

About The Novel:

The final battle for the fate of Maereath begins. As Thrakoth launches bloody offensives throughout the world, Helisah, Aegras, and Fasti race home to plot the final battle. While Aegras begins the construction of a weapon that will change the world, Helisah and Fasti embark on a secret campaign to decimate the Telurian war machine and draw their newly crowned Emperor out into the open.

As the opposing forces of democracy and tyranny begin their final clash, both sides will stop at nothing to secure victory. In the west, an army from three continents gathers to hold the line and assist Helisah, Aegras, and Fasti at any cost. In the east, Thrakoth commands his soldiers and spies to gather their full strength and march behind him to glory. As the future of Maereath hangs in the balance, the brave and the dangerous shall fight and die to usher in an Age of Revolution.

Free Eagle Studios Website: freeeaglestudios.com.

Twitter: @FreeEagleStu & @EricMrozek.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Another Deal? Another Deal!

In case you are looking for that last minute gift or a great impulse buy, Destruction is back on sale until Christmas Day!

Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks, especially since we are about to premiere a new short story and a possible comic book project!

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Deadline Extended

We’ve decided to extend the deadline for our 99 cent sale until the end of the week (at least). This will give all of our advertising partners a good shot at getting through to any potential customers that we might have.

That is all.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Inside Destruction – Part Two – Why Sauron, Why?

His will be done.
His will be done.

Crosspost from ericmrozek.com.

In almost every story that’s worth a damn, you need a bad guy to make bad things happen to the protagonists. Unfortunately, not every story creates a good reason for why the villain acts the way that they do. Some of these characters may be excused depending upon the genre, but it is often not acceptable for a fantasy story to create a villain like Sauron that only wants to conquer the world for, you know, reasons.


Larger-Than-Life Historical Villains Were Motivated By Something.

The ideas of this particular fool cast a long shadow over the 20th century.
The ideas of this particular fool cast a long shadow over the 20th century.

From the distant past to the present, each and every villain from history had an ideology that drove them to do what they did. It could have been money, power, hurting the other guy, destroying an enemy, or anything in between. Despite the fact that we now see them as evil, it’s important to remember that it wasn’t quite perceived that way back then. What could have possibly caused people to think like this?

It’s simple: Everyone is the hero of their own story.

Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to develop the same type of concept for Thrakoth and his Empire because it would allow for an exploration of the nature of evil and would also present a variety of questions. Why did he not just manage his world and try to keep the peace with the Callistans and Fieans? Could there have been elements of magic that forced his hand? What were they, exactly?

Of course, you’ll have to read to find out. However, the most important thing about this particular story is not truly Thrakoth. It’s the heroes that oppose him.

To Be Continued in Part 3.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Destruction – Release Date and More Info

We are pleased to announce that our first novel, Destruction, will be released on August 31st, 2015. As we speak, we are going to be opening the novel up to advanced review copies in time for release. Keep it here for more news in the upcoming weeks or visit our Twitter and Goodreads pages for more updates. Giveaways are going to be coming soon as well, so keep coming back and you could get a free copy in the near future.