Tag: Thrakoth

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Revolution Writing Diary #3 – The Quasi-Historical Roots Of The Raiders.

Minerval insignia
Like many of their more revolutionary cousins, the Illuminati used myths and symbols that closely matched their ideals. The Owl of Minerva is one such example, demonstrating their desire for reason and wisdom.

Edit (12/13/2019): It would be more accurate to say that Helisah, Aegras, and Fasti took a pledge. Fixed!

Crosspost: ericmrozek.com

Let’s face facts. You’ve probably heard of a wide variety of stories that portray secretive evil organizations. Almost all of them have a foundation in the conspiracy theories that have seeped into our culture. With that in mind, what if I told you that there is some historical truth to this madness that I used to create The Raiders?

It sounds far fetched, right? How could a force for good in the world of Maereath be taken from something that sounds so evil?

Well, it’s not as simple as you think.

The Fascinating True Story Of The Illuminati.

Johann Adam Weishaupt
History is stranger than fiction.

In the late 18th century, a wide variety of secret societies operated out of lodges on both sides of the Atlantic. You’ve probably heard of a few of them, but the most important one of all is the Freemasons. In those days, the society was a club where Enlightenment thinkers, kings, generals, and other notable folk could relax, do some work, and talk to each other without regard for religious or political issues.

However, some people didn’t agree with their ideas. Enter a young Bavarian professor by the name of Johann Adam Weishaupt.

Adam grew frustrated with the influence of Jesuit priests over the University of Ingolstadt, especially when they attempted to thwart the spread of the more liberal ideas of the period. He initially joined the Freemasons, but they were not quite open to many of his ideas. Therefore, he sought to create an organization that he called the Convent of Perfectibility, which was later changed to the Order of Illuminati in 1778.

Over its nine years of operation, the Illuminati expanded and clashed with other secret societies in the various German states of the time. Throughout that time, they championed many of the things that we take for granted like democracy, rationalism, secularism, and modernization.

There was just one problem.

The members couldn’t keep their mouths shut in public, so the order became an open secret. When Prince-elector Karl Theodor found out that the order had gained a bit of power in his part of the Holy Roman Empire, he banned all secret societies in his domain, seized what he could, and published it for all to see.

It Gets Worse.

Alex Jones
We all know that Alex Jones is a lunatic, but did you know that some of his talking points are over 200 years old?

Unfortunately for our reasonably enlightened German friends, history can be a harsh mistress. Luckily for us, we know how their memory was corrupted and turned into the whack-a-doodle conspiracy theory (and evil organizations from pop culture) that we know today.

Near the turn of the 19th century, Augustin Barruel and John Robison developed the first pieces of the modern conspiracy theory by saying that the Illuminati were behind the French Revolution. They had absolutely no evidence to back up their claims, but that didn’t stop the fake news from making its way across Europe and the United States. The fear of such an organization didn’t do all that much in America, but it supposedly induced a sense of paranoia and fear in the European aristocracy. According to British historian J.M. Roberts, it got to the point where their panic and subsequent persecutions may have caused a number of democratic revolutions.

In the 20th century, the conspiracy was revived and expanded by fascists and fundamentalist Christians who objected to everything from modern liberalism to the kitchen sink. Their craziness inevitably gave us the internet weirdos that we know in the present day, but it also provided some of the creative inspiration behind organizations like SPECTRE, Abstergo Industries, and Hydra.

Putting It All Together.

Destruction - Resistance
Amatu kei lanin.

With all of this in mind, The Raiders developed from a combination of the original ideals of the Illuminati and other pro-Enlightenment organizations, some pop culture tropes like the Rule of Cool, and a few modern sensibilities.

In Destruction and Illumination, Helisah, Aegras, and Fasti took a pledge to uphold the ideals of democracy, free choice, rationalism, and justice. These principles have been the core philosophy of the series ever since its inception, but I felt that I had to back them up with the Rule of Cool. Therefore, it seemed necessary to develop the peaceful and violent aspects of the organization into a balanced whole. Over time, this led to everything from the action sequences that you see in the books to the little background details like their desire to preserve old stories.

On the other hand, I felt that it was wise to steer clear of an utter reliance on secret organizations. The Illuminati advocated for modern ideals, but they also barred women or many other outsiders from their ranks. This strange contradiction compelled me to look for other sources of inspiration. Thankfully, I was able to draw on the appearance of female spies during the Enlightenment, the Victorian era, and the World Wars. After reading their stories, it was easy to put two and two together and pave the way for an elf like Helisah Almari.

What fun!

Another writing diary will be coming soon. Keep it here!

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Revolution Writing Diary #2 – The Cover Reveal.

Revolution - Maereath: The War of the Democratic Coalition, #3 - Cover Art
You will submit!

Crosspost: ericmrozek.com.

About a year ago, we began a series of writing diaries that marked the progress of Revolution. Now that the editing process is complete, we have so much more to share with you. Over the next few weeks, we are going to embark on a journey to get you hyped for the final chapter of this trilogy. It all starts with the cover!

But before we unveil our latest masterpiece, let’s take a look at what went into it.

Everything Old Is New Again.

As you might be able to tell from our previous covers, we always attempt to differentiate each product with a compelling scene.  We started things off with a minor skirmish on the cover of Destruction. After that, Independence gave us the chance to balance civilian life with the never-ending quest for freedom. Lastly, Illumination let us play with the Lady of Knives and the mysteries that awaited our fans.

When Revolution entered its editing phase, we realized that we needed something old and new. Luckily, our new artist, Liam Maher, was more than up to the challenge.

In the realm of the old, we wanted to balance the historical feel of the Telurian soldiers with elite nature of Thrakoth’s inner circle. With that in mind, Liam gave the soldiers  some added pop by mixing old school uniforms with a regal purple. What fun!

In the realm of the new, we played around with the damage done by the war, leading to the urban environment in the piece. In order to deal with the passage of time, we also fiddled with some of the new weapons and equipment that Thrakoth’s elite warriors might have access to. When we turned it over to Liam, he mixed it up with some interesting variations on the Telurian arsenal. After all, our antagonist’s guard deserves the best of the best!

Speaking of the antagonist…

Fear Him.

One of our most important rules in the conception of this series has been to strike a balance between the magical and the ordinary. Therefore, it was difficult to come up with a true depiction that fit Thrakoth’s status. If we made him too magical, he could have wound up looking like Sauron, the Nazgul, or the Lich King. On the other hand, normalcy could never fit such a tough antagonist.

Luckily, the story of the previous two novels provided some clever solutions.

Over the course of the series, Thrakoth gained renown as an incredibly powerful sorcerer and leader, so we brought that out with his burning blue eyes, calm demeanor, and commanding presence. On top of that, we knew that he would dress and arm himself for success in warfare, so every little detail from his knife to his incredibly bulky armor was of the utmost importance.

All of that effort made its way into a compelling final product. Here it is!

Revolution (Maereath: The War of the Democratic Coalition, #3) - M-Cover

Revolution will arrive in early 2018.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Revolution Writing Diary #1 – Rise And Rise Again…

Revolution Writing Diary #1 - Rise And Rise Again...

Crosspost: ericmrozek.com.

As promised, it’s time to begin a series of writing diaries to show you the progress behind our upcoming novel, Revolution. While we don’t have a firm release date yet, we can tell you that it is the final chapter of The War of the Democratic Coalition series and will face a lot of changes as we move from the drafts to the final copy. However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t give you a few morsels of interesting information here and there!

The Stakes Are Higher Than Ever.

Since we are entering the third act of a single story, it is important to consider the necessity of a good title. As with any piece of pop culture, we wanted it to have a special significance to the story while not giving too much away. To use our previous two stories, Destruction chronicles the outbreak of the war against Thrakoth and the struggle to hold everything together, whereas Illumination refers to both the age that the characters live in and their quest to uncover the truth behind the battles that rage around them.

So, what does Revolution mean in the grand scheme of things?

It refers to the world to come and the final battle to control and shape the future. Whoever wins the war will be the guardian of a new age, but will it be one where freedom expands or one under the iron-fisted rule of Thrakoth?

The Clash Of Ideologies.

If you’ve read through Destruction and Illumination, you may have gotten the idea that the war in both novels is driven by ideology, rather than a looming, unnamed evil. We take great care in our production process to slowly build on these ideas with each passing installment. In Destruction, we introduced the concept of Thrakoth’s Grand Design. With the release of Illumination, we built on the ideology of an empire by introducing the danger of his vision to a free people.

With this in mind, the only way to continue would be to have Thrakoth reveal the why behind what he is doing.

While we don’t want to spoil it for you, we will say that the ultimate reveal follows in the grand tradition of what makes a good bad guy. In keeping with our promise to deliver fun entertainment for everyone, we also took great care in the production process to ensure that Thrakoth is not a reference to recent events or anyone that is currently living.

Why would we focus so much on this aspect of the story? It’s important to realize that people read, watch, and play to take their mind off of current worries. Therefore, it’s not a good idea to risk losing up to half of an audience by creating a thinly veiled reference to, say, the 2016 election cycle.

For now, we’ll leave you with that. Happy New Year to one and all!

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Illumination will be released on July 29th!


Illumination - Released on July 29th, 2016!

Hi everyone,

We are pleased to announce that Illumination will be released on July 29th, 2016. The book is out for reviews right now, so be sure to check out the page on Goodreads. You can also preorder it at your local Amazon retailer by clicking here. The book currently stands at 289 pages and will cost you $3.99 (or its’ regional equivalent).


Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Announcing Illumination!


Illumination - Book Cover Announcement
The next chapter begins…

Crossposted to ericmrozek.com.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC is pleased to announce the next chapter in the Maereath series, which is called Illumination. The sequel to Destruction chronicles the continuing adventures of Helisah and Aegras Almari as they press on against Thrakoth and the Telurian Empire. Only this time, their mission becomes much more of a personal struggle as they fight to keep the enemy from sowing chaos across the rest of the world.

As the second chapter of the trilogy, Illumination promises to deliver all of the things that you loved from Destruction, along with new surprises, badass new characters, and an expansion of the rich mythology of the world of Maereath.

The book is 289 pages long, so we are anticipating a price point of $3.99 in the United States. Regional equivalents will, of course, be differently priced depending on the market.

We will have more details in the coming days here and over in our Books page. For now, enjoy the synopsis!

The Lady of Knives Takes The Field.

Although Callistan and Fiean forces have won a stunning victory at the Battle of Arduth, the discovery of a Telurian superweapon program has shaken the Democratic Coalition to its’ core. In response to the threat of mass destruction, Helisah and Aegras Almari have volunteered for a covert search-and-destroy operation inside the Dalarian Republic. What they thought was just a difficult mission soon exposed a Telurian conspiracy led by Thrakoth’s deadliest servant: The Lady of Knives.

With Helisah’s new love, Fasti, at their side, the Almaris travel south to stop the Lady from spreading the will of her overlord across the continent of Arthan, but they may be too late. Although they are outgunned and under siege, Helisah, Aegras, and Fasti must fight on to end the threat of a second front and uncover the ancient secrets that can end the war, once and for all.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Deadline Extended

We’ve decided to extend the deadline for our 99 cent sale until the end of the week (at least). This will give all of our advertising partners a good shot at getting through to any potential customers that we might have.

That is all.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Inside Destruction – Part Five – The World To Come.

Where do we go from here?
Where do we go from here?

Crosspost from ericmrozek.com.

Now that I’ve given you a sneak peek into the world of Maereath, it is time to announce where I am going to take you next as the adventure continues.

The Sequels

As I’ve mentioned in other areas of the Internet, I have outlined the full story of Helisah Almari from beginning to end and am currently working towards the completion of the project. Without spoiling too much, Destruction is an examination of the beginning of the war and the motives of our main cast, which is as fitting of a start as any for a new series of fantasy novels. That being said, the next stories will be a little bit different in nature.

We know our heroes and heroines. We know our main villain. Therefore, the sequels will take readers into a continuation of the war and an expansion of the mythology behind the world of Maereath.

The Anthology

I am also hard at work on a further expansion of the world through a series of shorter stories that show pivotal moments in the world of Maereath. Much like Destruction and its’ sequels, these works will usually follow a conflict within the world and the fallout from it. Unlike the war against Thrakoth, the stories may follow one or many different characters as they struggle through their own battles. Some of them will certainly be based around the battles of the time period, but others will be based around political intrigue and debate.

Due to their shorter length, these stories will be exclusively sold in digital format.

Do I Need To Read One Series To Understand The Other?

With a few exceptions, you will not have to worry about missing out on any content because the anthology and main series are related to, and not dependent upon one another. That being said, I want it to be rewarding for people to read both of them because you might see the ancestors of characters that you know or an explanation behind the ideas or sayings that are presented in passing in a particular story.

Release Schedule

I am intending to release these stories on an alternating basis between the anthology and sequels. At the moment, I am working on the first anthology story that will show the world of Maereath as it was about five hundred years before the events of Destruction. After that, the sequel to Destruction will move from its’ outline to the page.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Inside Destruction – Part Four – Support Is Everything.

Crosspost from ericmrozek.com.

Just as it is important to craft heroes that an audience can empathize with, it is crucial to construct a supporting cast of characters that are distinctive in their desires, motivations, and actions. Even if they are on the page for a few moments, a strong group of supporting characters can elevate a novel to the point where it feels like readers are taking a look into a different world. In Destruction, the many characters that Helisah and Aegras come across on their journey are tasked with a dual purpose, which can be explained in the following questions:

  • How do they make an impact on the story?
  • What do their interactions with Helisah and each other reveal about their personalities?

When I was writing this book, I wanted my supporting cast to answer both questions because it is a great way to make the world of Maereath feel big. While Helisah and Aegras are the most important characters to anyone that reads the book, the progress of invention, politics, and military strategy that is shown throughout the novel means that they are a crucial part of a larger story. Sometimes, they can set off into danger by themselves, but they usually find themselves in situations where they cannot walk alone. That is where a trio of characters matter the most.

Gialle, Duustan, and Fasti – Three Soldiers And A Very Messy War.

A beginning piece of artwork for the resistance fighters.
A beginning piece of artwork for the resistance fighters.

Gialle, Duustan, and Fasti are the most obvious examples of how the two questions that I referenced could be answered, especially since they effectively become main characters in the chapters that feature them. When Helisah first comes across them, the trio are largely business-oriented because of their military training and slightly differing attitudes towards outsiders. As the months pass, I made a larger point about their influence on the story because they open up and reveal themselves to be wise councilors, filthy-minded comedians, and strong warriors that are hell-bent on stopping Thrakoth. On top of that, these three characters introduce elements of specialization into the story in order to demonstrate the point that the world of Maereath is not a haven for superheroes. They know that Helisah and Aegras don’t know everything about the world, but even more importantly, they apply the same wisdom to themselves and let our main characters show their full potential when it is called for.

Helisah accepts that idea and look after them as well, revealing the humble and somewhat selfless side of their minds as the story presses onward. Even though she does not have a telepathic connection to them, our heroine develops a very strong reason to see them as a part of why she fights against the Telurian Empire, which allows her to become something more than she was at the start of her journey.

In the conclusion of this series on the novel, I will explore where the next steps for building out this universe.

To Be Concluded In Part Five.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Inside Destruction – Part Two – Why Sauron, Why?

His will be done.
His will be done.

Crosspost from ericmrozek.com.

In almost every story that’s worth a damn, you need a bad guy to make bad things happen to the protagonists. Unfortunately, not every story creates a good reason for why the villain acts the way that they do. Some of these characters may be excused depending upon the genre, but it is often not acceptable for a fantasy story to create a villain like Sauron that only wants to conquer the world for, you know, reasons.


Larger-Than-Life Historical Villains Were Motivated By Something.

The ideas of this particular fool cast a long shadow over the 20th century.
The ideas of this particular fool cast a long shadow over the 20th century.

From the distant past to the present, each and every villain from history had an ideology that drove them to do what they did. It could have been money, power, hurting the other guy, destroying an enemy, or anything in between. Despite the fact that we now see them as evil, it’s important to remember that it wasn’t quite perceived that way back then. What could have possibly caused people to think like this?

It’s simple: Everyone is the hero of their own story.

Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to develop the same type of concept for Thrakoth and his Empire because it would allow for an exploration of the nature of evil and would also present a variety of questions. Why did he not just manage his world and try to keep the peace with the Callistans and Fieans? Could there have been elements of magic that forced his hand? What were they, exactly?

Of course, you’ll have to read to find out. However, the most important thing about this particular story is not truly Thrakoth. It’s the heroes that oppose him.

To Be Continued in Part 3.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Inside Destruction – Part One – In The Beginning…

Resist or Die.
Resist or Die.

Crossposted from ericmrozek.com.

Now that Destruction has been released to the world, I thought I would take the time to remark on the project and how it came to be. The concept for this novel came about from a wide variety of sources that offered pieces of inspiration, ranging from related books and movies to readings about history to discussions with friends and family about said subjects. In the beginning of 2014, the story began to take form around the concept of a fantasy environment that was shown through the eyes of a single protagonist in the form of a diary. However, I wanted to do something different because I felt that sword-and-sorcery had become a bit too mundane, mainly because we see it everywhere we look in stories like Game of Thrones, The Lord of the Rings, and so on. Therefore, I had to consider other avenues that keep the same epic feel, but offer different elements that I can have fun with and that you can enjoy reading.

What About Gun And Sorcery?

It’s as legendary a setting as you could ask for.

My initial thought about how to change things up would be to move it forward to a fantasy equivalent of the early modern era, which would allow it to be removed from the sword-and-sorcery staple by a sufficient degree. In addition, the telling of a story that would be set in a period from the English Civil War to the Industrial Revolution opened up a whole new set of ideas to play with. Over the course of my research and consideration about the novel, I began to think about the various trials, terrors, and triumphs that were developed in that era and found too many to list.

In my opinion, the 17th to 19th centuries are a gold mine for themes that allow a writer to deeply connect with the audience and build up a richly developed world. The period created the rise of the nation-state as we know it, but also brought about new moral questions with each and every war, colonial conquest, revolution, and new invention that came our way. Rather than focusing on one (and risking the wrath of an audience that thinks that I ripped off a history book), I decided to follow a more generalized approach that connected the sword-and-sorcery of old to this new world, namely…

The Clash Of Ideologies

Oh, France. You and your obsession with epic titti... er... I mean paintings.
Oh, France. You and your obsession with epic paintings.

The late 18th to mid 19th Century was my inevitable choice for a setting because it marked the perfect crossroads between the two genres. As the world developed in the shadow of the American and French Revolutions, it was a time when people began to question the traditions that had overrun the world up until then, especially with the clashes between the rising democracies that we know and the absolute monarchies that were still entrenched into positions of power in Europe. In an era with a magic all its’ own, I began to develop a world that is filled with fantasy elements that are new and old, but it soon coalesced around a villain that is known by the name of Thrakoth.

He’s powerful, he’s dangerous, and he has a plan…

To Be Continued in Part 2.