Tag: television

Free Eagle Studios, LLC

More Channels!

Crossposted to ericmrozek.com

Hi everyone,

It’s a brand new year, so it’s time to announce that we will be expanding our efforts on Youtube and elsewhere both as an extension of what we are already doing and as a way to deal with the continuing troubles of COVID-19. The two channels will be named Free Eagle Studios, LLC and Eric Mrozek, but they’ll focus on different aspects of our work.

Our company channel will primarily focus on our services, writing diaries, and Youtube ads for our upcoming books, so be sure to follow that one if you’re interested in the publishing side of our efforts.

On the other hand, Eric Mrozek will heavily supplement or outright replace our writing work on ericmrozek.com with video essays about movies and television. You’ll still see them posted over there, but you can also subscribe to our other pages if you’d rather watch.

Save That Play will also be going strong into the new year, but we want to make sure that you’ll always have something to look at, even if it’s not related to gaming.

We’ll almost certainly start posting videos on both of our new channels this month, so keep on the look out!

Until next time!