Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Welcome Back!

Hi everyone,

After a month of development and quite a few headaches, the new site is now live.

We wanted to make various improvements to our digital space because of our upcoming projects and a desire for a more responsive, user-friendly design. In the past, we relied on a lot of text to get by because the design that we used was off-the-shelf. However, it wasn’t very responsive and required a little bit of guesswork to get right. Now, we have our own work, and it’s a lot better than it was before!

We’ve moved most of our site toward an image-based format that is fit for mobile devices. Most of the changes are self-explanatory, including the implementation of separate alert bars for each section of the site. However, I’d like to draw your attention to the bottom-left and bottom-right of your screen.

On the bottom-left, you’ll see our social media links. In the past, we only listed them on this blog because we didn’t know how to do much else. Now, you can click over to our pages whenever you want…

…but what if you want to shut them off?

That’s where the bottom-right comes in.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC - New Site Features

These three buttons will give you a bit more control over how you browse. On the top, you can shut off or turn on the media links at will. On the bottom, we’ve implemented a Back To Top button that’ll help you get around better. With that said, we’re particularly pleased with the “Sun and Moon” button in the middle because it allows our users to use Dark Mode.

And yes, there’s no flickering in between the pages. We want you to have to best experience possible as you stay on this site for hours on end.

More on that will be coming soon. For now, enjoy the new site!