Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Malware And Our Ethics Policy.

Hi everyone,

We’ve recently corrected an oversight in the company’s ethics policy, and it’s inspired by events that have occurred over the past year. Although we don’t store much (if any) information on either of our two sites, it’s important to keep you informed of what is going on so that you can trust us.

In April of 2019, we spoke with our hosting service and were informed of a potential malware issue on our sites. For some reason, this issue didn’t set off the security scanners or any computer virus scanners when we downloaded the files in question, but we fixed the problem after an investigation into the downtime that occurred.

However, we were alerted to a bot comment that was left on this blog just after Christmas. It was quickly deleted.

In either case, there should be no danger to the public because we don’t store much of anything, but we’ve rewritten our ethics policy to keep you informed of any potential problems at least once a year.

Until next time!