Free Eagle Studios, LLC

Why We Chose To Return To Kindle Unlimited.

Free Eagle Studios, LLC - Kindle Unlimited
Brace yourselves! An announcement is coming!

Hello everyone,

We are announcing today that our work will be moving back to Kindle Unlimited as soon as possible for several important reasons. While it is a decision that was long and painful, we thought it would be a good way to take a look at certain aspects of the publishing industry. While we continued along on our production process for our next few e-books, we noticed a few very bothersome trends. As a learning experience for one and all, we shall account for them here.

1. The Nook Is On Life Support.

Over the past year, Barnes & Noble has dismantled the Nook by taking down most of what makes the experience of using an e-reader. By shutting down Nook Video, the App Store, and their UK Bookstore, they have deprived users of two of the four critical reasons for why someone would purchase a dedicated e-reader. While they have replaced some of these functions with Google Play, the loss of the British Bookstore has arguably sent traffic elsewhere permanently.

2. Kindle Unlimited Is A Great Opportunity.

We love our readers and we want to give them a means of subscribing to our content. Kindle Unlimited provides the means to do just that. If you have a subscription and want to borrow our work, do it. If you don’t have it and want to buy our work, there you go! Either way, we all win and the gospel of badass entertainment spreads even further.

3. Most Of Our Advertising Partners Have Abandoned Other Stores.

The major reason for this trend is because Amazon allows the deal sites out there to get a affiliate commission (much like we do via this site or While we do not have their SEO metrics, it is not much of a stretch to imagine that they make more money by working with the juggernaut rather than making authors and publishers cough up a few more bucks.

That will allow us to reduce our costs and keep being competitive.

Other Than That…

We are going to have a bit more fun here with a behind the scenes look at our next projects in due time. For now, the holiday beckons!

Merry Christmas to one and all!